Blackrook32: A new Frontier
Well basically, it was to help out an old friend, Lurok91.
I always admired Lurok's work and was asked to take up developing BCMM. I thought his work deserved to be brought out and developed to its fullest potential. Before this time. I was in contact with many retired modders who were either lurking or keeping tabs on the BC Community. I've always kept mods given to me to evaluate. I had Lurok's original "unadulterated" BCMM works from 2012 and 2017.
I've always had a "vision" for modded BC, pushing the game beyond its original parameters. Looking towards my favorite Trek games, like Elite Force I & II and the Taldren | Starfleet Command series. In my opinion, the Bridge Commander game was the perfect space combat simulation engine, bringing imagined features in a playable format.
One vision the old guard modders have in common? To push the game engine, what could be added to enhance the overall experience? Though some perceive Bridge Commander gameplay as just another shoot-em-up? It has the possibility to be more.
Chatting with old friends, theorizing about what could be possible for BC modding? Well, that inspired retired modders, who I'd thought had given up BC modding long ago. It was an unexpected pleasure to gather a select team who offered the best talents to bring BCMM to the next level. Not to mimic what came before, but to push BC modding further, with updated graphics and even new functions that the BCMM dev team brought to the forefront. The one thing we all have in common is our general love for "sci-fi" an ""Die-Hard Trekkers."". in general,
Now, we on the BCMM Development team have the opportunity to bring our vision for the long-time fans of this vintage; but beloved game to life.