Nov 28, 2024

Blackrook32: A new Frontier

Well basically, it was to help out an old friend, Lurok91. 

I always admired Lurok's work and was asked to take up developing BCMM. I thought his work deserved to be brought out and developed to its fullest potential. Before this time. I was in contact with many retired modders who were either lurking or keeping tabs on the BC Community. I've always kept mods given to me to evaluate. I had Lurok's original "unadulterated" BCMM works from 2012 and 2017.

I've always had a "vision" for modded BC, pushing the game beyond its original parameters. Looking towards my favorite …

Author: Blackrook32  ·  posted at 00:37  ·   ·  BCMM  team  intro