Mar 29, 2024

BCMM Tools


As I've mentioned in one of the previous articles, BC tools are very old, and so is the game. With that in mind, we do plan to develop some new tools. Some of which have been previously showcased.

TGL Editor

This one is actually already done, and a version of it is floating around. I noticed some bugs with large TGL files, all of which are resolved in the dev version we're using.


BC HP Editor

This tool was in early development last year and should have been a replacement for BCUT. At the moment, it fully supports editing …

Author: Mario  ·  posted at 22:00  ·   ·  BCMM  tools

Mar 29, 2024

BCMM Performance Goals


BC is an old game—a very old game. It uses a very old and defunct game engine called NetImmerse. The NIF format it uses for models is ancient as well, and most official tools don't even work if you want to port a new ship or model to the game. If you want to use official SDK plugins to play around with NIF models, you have to use an ancient 3D Studio Max 3.1 on a virtual machine running Windows XP. I hope this illustrates how old the game is.

Anyway, it's one of the most modded …

Author: Mario  ·  posted at 03:31  ·   ·  BCMM  performance

Mar 29, 2024


What to Expect?

SFC 3 missions were short, and we have not really changed much on our end in that regard. The new campaign is a cinematic blend with BC, though.

We have reinterpreted some story elements, but mostly we try to follow the source material. For example, we cannot use voices from SFC 3 directly; therefore, we had to cut Picard's appearances in the missions.

You may also have noticed that for cutscenes, we use exterior view instead of showing the bridge or character faces. There is a reason for that as well. This is not due to limitations …

Author: Mario  ·  posted at 02:35  ·   ·  BCMM  sfc3

Mar 28, 2024

BCMM Origin


This was originally written by bridge modder Lurok91 in 2011 to lay out the proof of concept behind what has become known as the Maelstrom Mod


As this is expanding from idea to ongoing long-term WIP thought be better to start dedicated thread. Even if total mod doesn't happen - and that would be long way down line - experiments may throw up new mods which could be released individually (e.g., new TOS-to-PDW/STO era crew mods; alien races) or incorporated into established mods like DS9FX.


Good question. Especially for any Trek fan/sane person. Well, simple …

Author: Lurok  ·  posted at 21:58  ·   ·  BCMM  origin
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